Secretary: I would also like to remind you all that we have our final Working Bee for 2020 this coming Saturday 19 December from 1000 hrs to 1300 hrs, followed by a BBQ. The RFS has been warning the community that the fire season is already here and that the prolific growth of grass and weeds through Spring will shortly be curing and creating an enormous fire hazard to the region. Property owners are being requested to reduce fuel loads wherever possible whilst there is still a lower risk of ignition. The airfield has produced a great deal of grass and weeds since the last Working Bee and it requires immediate attention. The working bee will be concentrating on reducing as much of the fuel load on the airfield as possible - runways, taxiways, parking areas, hangar surrounds and then as much of the rest as can be covered on the day. Please bring ride-on mowers, push mowers, scrubcutters, etc. The more the merrier! I would like to see several ride-ons in formation, line abreast, covering 30/12 runway, full width to the gable markers!