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Working Bee & Committee Meeting 6/Mar/21

Writer's picture: Da WangDa Wang

Dear JAC Members,

The President is calling a meeting of the JAC Committee at 1400 hrs on Saturday 06 March 2021 at Hangar 9 JRCA. All members are welcome to attend.

Working Bee from 1000-1300, followed by a BBQ at the clubhouse. Tasks to be undertaken include cleaning up any rubbish and broken branches around the clubhouse and hangars, replacing broken gable markers with the painted spares available, mowing and whipper-snipping around the banks, hangars and gable markers. Some glyphosate treatment of bushy weeds growing out of the runway. Please bring ride-ons, push mowers and whipper-snippers, gloves and PPE as required.

See you there!



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